XHTML is an XML based language for describing the websites structure and presentation in for example a web browser. There are a few older versions of HTML (the precursor to XHTML) standards but the most common one and the one we use in most of our project is XHTML 1.0 Transitional.

XHTML is a more strict language than HTML which makes it easier to control the quality and validity of the code. When using XHTML you are also separating the information on the website from the information structure and the graphical design. This makes it easier to use the information in many different kinds of contents. You can make different presentations for different users/devices with the same information. The design of the different presentations can be made by for example using CSS and XSLT. Then you have divided your website in three parts: information, structure and design.

XHTML in Content Studio

The most common version of XHTML that are used on websites is XHTML 1.0 Transitional. This version of XHTML gives a good and moderate flexible standard that helps you to maintain a good and valid code structure without limiting the functionality of the editors.

XHTML and ”Active Scripting”-components

CSs”Active Scripting”-components (AS-components) are programmed (Some exceptions might occur) for supporting and generating HTML and XHTML depending on context. In the design view of each component it’s specified which HTML/XHTML version that are supported.